Benchmark Scientific 是一家专注于实验室设备的公司,主要产品包括离心机、均质器、涡旋混合器、振荡培养箱、样品处理设备、分子生物学工具、实验室耗材等。其产品广泛应用于生命科学、分子生物学、化学和环境科学等领域。
以下是 Benchmark Scientific 的一些主要产品系列和型号,欢迎咨询选购:
1. 样品处理设备
Vortex Mixers(涡旋混合器)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific S1000(数字涡旋混合器)。
Bead Mill Homogenizers**(珠磨均质器)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific BeadBug™ 3(小型珠磨均质器)。
Tube Rotators(试管旋转器)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Tube Rotator TR100(用于样品的混合和孵育)。
2. 分子生物学工具
用于 DNA/RNA 提取、PCR 和电泳等分子生物学实验。
PCR Workstations**(PCR 工作站)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific PCR Workstation(用于 PCR 实验的洁净操作环境)。
Electrophoresis Systems(电泳系统)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Electrophoresis System(用于 DNA/RNA 分离)。
Gel Imaging Systems(凝胶成像系统)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Gel Imaging System(用于凝胶图像的捕获和分析)。
3. 实验室耗材
Pipette Tips**(移液器吸头)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Pipette Tips(适用于各种移液器)。
Microcentrifuge Tubes(微量离心管)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Microcentrifuge Tubes(用于样品的储存和离心)。
PCR Tubes and Plates(PCR 管和板)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific PCR Tubes(适用于 PCR 实验)。
4. 温控设备
Dry Bath Incubators(干浴孵育器)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Dry Bath Incubator(用于样品的恒温孵育)。
Microplate Incubators(微孔板孵育器)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Microplate Incubator(用于微孔板的恒温孵育)。
5. 离心机
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Microcentrifuge(用于微量样品的离心)。
Benchtop Centrifuges(台式离心机)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Benchtop Centrifuge(用于较大体积样品的离心)。
6. 特殊应用设备
Magnetic Separators(磁分离器)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Magnetic Separator(用于磁珠分离实验)。
Heat Blocks(加热块)
型号示例:Benchmark Scientific Heat Block(用于样品的恒温加热)。
货号:C1008-C 描述: MyFuge Mini Microcentrifuge, clear lid 迷你台式微量离心机,透明盖子
货号:C1008-B 描述:MyFuge Mini Microcentrifuge, blue lid 台式微量离心机,蓝色盖子
货号:C1008-G 描述:MyFuge Mini Microcentrifuge, green lid 台式微量离心机,绿色盖子
货号:C1008-P 描述:MyFuge Mini Microcentrifuge, purple lid台式微量离心机,红色盖子
货号:C1008-A5-8 描述:Replacement adapter pack, 0.5ml 8/pk 替换适配器包
货号:C1008-A2-8 描述:Replacement adapter pack, 0.2ml 8/pk 替换适配器包
货号:C1012 描述:myFuge 12 Microcentrifugewith Combi-Rotor
货号:C1008-A5-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.5ml 6/ pk.
货号:C1008-A2-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.2ml 6/'pk.
货号:C1005 描述:myFuge 5 Mini Centrifuge with combination rotor,4x5ml&4x1.5/2.0ml
货号:C1005-AC2 描述:Adapter pack, for crytovials (0.5 to 2.0ml) and1 .5/2.0ml HPLC vials, 4/pk.
货号:C1008-A5-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.5ml, 6/pk
货号:C1008-A2-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.2ml, 6/pk
货号:C2000* 描述:PlateFuge Microplate Centrifugewith rotorand plate carriers
货号:C2000-A02 描述:Tube adapter, holds 96 x0.2ml or8 and 12 position PCR strips, 2/pk.
货号:C2000-DWMP 描述:Optional rotor with carriers for deep wellplates up to 35mm tall (speed: 1500rpm)
货号:C1612 描述:MC-12High Speed Microcentrifugewith 12 position rotor
货号:C1008-A5-6 描述:Optional adapter pack, 0.5ml 6/pk
货号:C1008-A2-6 描述:Optional adapter pack,0.2ml 6/pk
货号:C2417 描述:MC-24Touch Microcentrifuge with 24 placeCOMBLRotor
货号:C1008-A5-6 描述:Optional adaptersfor 0.5mltubes instandard rotor, 6/pk
货号:C2417-ROT5 描述:Optional rotor,8x5ml (13,500rpm)
货号:C2417-5-ADP 描述:Optional adaptersfor 2mlcryovials in 8x5ml rotor, 8/pk
货号:C3100 描述:LC-8 Centrifuge with8x 15mlrotor(maximum speed: 3,500rpm/1,500xg)
货号:C3200 描述:LC-8 Plus Centrifuge with 8x15mlrotor(maximumspeed: 5,000rpm/3,070xg)
货号:C3100-ADP 描述:Optionaladaptersfor5ml& 7m bloodcollection/culture tubes, 8/pk
货号:C2570 描述:Optionaladaptersfor5ml centrifuge tubes, 4/pk
货号:2216-M 描述:Z216-M High Speed Microcentrifuge
货号:Z21 6-MK 描述:Z216-MK Refrigerated HighSpeed Microcentrifuge
货号:2216-2420 描述:Rotor, 24x 1.5/2.0ml
货号:2216-24205 描述:NEW! COMBhrotor with Quick-Seal biocontainment lid for24 x1.5/2.0ml and 4x PCR Strips
货号:2216-4420 描述:Rotor, 44x 1.5/2.0ml
货号:Z216-3020H 描述:Rotor, 30x 1.5/2.0ml with hermetically sealed lid
货号:2216-1220H 描述:Swing outrotor, 12 x 1.5/20ml, 1ml HLA tube compatible
货号:Z216-6405 描述:Rotor, 64x0.5ml
货号:2216-1205 描述:Rotor, 12x 5ml centrifuge tubes
货号:Z216-3202 描述:Rotor, 4 x PCR Strips (32 x 0.2ml tubes)
货号:Z216-24HEM 描述:Rotor, hematocrit, 24 x cap ill ary
货号:C1012* 描述:myFuge 12 Microcentrifugewith Combi-Rotor
货号:C1008-A5-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.5ml 6/pk.
货号:C1008-A2-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.2ml 6/pk.
货号:C2212* 描述:myFuge 12 Plus Digital Microcentrifugewith Combi-Rotor
货号:C1008-A5-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.5ml 6/pk.
货号:C1008-A2-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.2ml 6/pk.
货号:C2248* 描述:StripSpin 12D Mini Microcentrifugewith 4 x 12 strip rotor
货号:C2205* 描述:myFuge 5D Mini centrifuge with combination rotor4x5ml& 4x1.5/2.0ml
货号:C1005-AC2 描述:Adapter pack, for crytovials (0.5 to 2.0ml) and1.5/2.0ml HPLC vials, 4/pk.
货号:C1008-A5-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.5ml, 6/pk.
货号:C1008-A2-6 描述:Adapter pack, 0.2ml, 6/pk.
货号:C2417-R5 描述:Optional rotor, 8x5ml (13,500rpm)
货号:C2417-R5-ADP2 描述:Optional adapters for 2ml cryovials in 8x5ml rotor, 8/pk
货号:C2417-R* 描述:MC-24R Refrigerated Microcentrifuge with24-place COMBl-Rotor and snap-on lid
货号:C2417-R-NR* 描述:MC-24R Refrigerated Microcentrifuge, no rotor
货号:C2417-2420H 描述:Optional 24x 1.5/2m hermetically sealed rotor
货号:C2417-3202 描述:Optional 4 x PCR strip rotor
货号:C2417-RCMB 描述:Optional COMBl-Rotor holds 24x1.5/2.0ml and 2 xPCR strips
货号:C3100* 描述:LC-8 Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml rotor(maximum speed: 3,500 rpm/1,500 xg)
货号:C3200* 描述:LC-8 Plus Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml rotor(maximum speed: 5,000 rpm /3,070 xg)
货号:C3100-ADP 描述:Optional adapters for 5ml & 7ml bloodcollection/culture tubes, 8/pk
货号:C3100-130RS 描述:Optional adapters for 130mm tall bloodcollection/culture tubes, 8/pk
货号:C2570 描述:Optional adapters for 5ml centrifuge tubes, 4/pk
货号:Z216-M* 描述:Z216-M High Speed Microcentrifuge
货号:Z216-MK* 描述:Z216-M High Speed Microcentrifuge
货号:Z216-2420 描述:Z216-MK Refrigerated High Speed Microcentrifuge
货号:Z216-2420S 描述:Rotor, 24 x 1.5/2.0ml, hermetically sealed
货号:Z216-4420 描述:COMBl-rotor with Quick-Seal biocontainment lid for 24 x1.5/2.0ml and 4xPCR Strips
货号:Z216-3020H 描述:Rotor, 44 x 1.5/2.0ml
货号:Z216-3202 描述:Rotor, 30x1.5/2.0ml with hermetically sealed lidRotor, 4 x PCR Strips (32 x0.2ml tubes)
货号:Z216-24SC 描述:Rotor, 24 x Spin columns
货号:Z216-1205 描述:Rotor, 12 x 5ml centrifuge tubes
货号:Z216-24HEM 描述:Rotor, hematocrit, 24 x capillary
货号:Z446-750-A500 描述:500ml conical
货号:Z446-750-A250 描述:250ml bottle
货号:Z446-750-A250F 描述:250ml conical
货号:Z446-750-A225 描述:175/225ml conical
货号:Z446-750-A50 描述:50ml conical
货号:Z446-750-A15 描述:15ml conical
货号:Z446-750-A10 描述:10ml
货号:Z446-750-A57 描述:5/7ml
货号:Z446* 描述:Z446 Large Capacity Universal Centrifuge
货号:Z446-K* 描述:Z446-K Refrigerated Large Capacity Universal Centrifuge
货号:Z446-750 描述:4 x750ml swing out rotor with round buckets
货号:Z446-750-MP 描述:Microplate carriers for Z446-750-AC rotor, 2/pk
货号:Z446-MP-BUK 描述:Rectagular microplate buckets for Z446-750-AC rotor, 2/pk
货号:Z446-04500 描述:Rotor, 4 x 500ml bottle
货号:Z366-06250 描述:Rotor, 6 x 250ml bottle
货号:Z326-0685 描述:Rotor, 6 x 85ml
货号:Z326-1050 描述:Rotor, 10 x 50ml conical
货号:Z326-2010 描述:Rotor, 20 x 10ml
货号:BV101* 描述:Vomado Miniature Vortex Mixer, gray cup head
货号:BV101-B- 描述:Vomado Miniature Vortex Mixer, blue cup head
货号:BV101-G* 描述:Vomado Miniature Vortex Mixer, green cup head
货号:BV101-P* 描述:Vomado Miniature Vortex Mixer, purple cup head
货号:BV101-R- 描述:Vomado Miniature Vortex Mixer, red cup head
货号:BV1003* 描述:BenchMixer V2 Vortexer (with reversible head)
货号:BV1000* 描述:BenchMixer Vortexer (original) with standard cup head
货号:BV1000-FLAT 描述:Optional 3 in. flat head attachment (for BV1000 only)
货号:BV1000-COMBO 描述:Optional combination head for tubes and microplates(38x1.5/2.0ml & 28 x0.5ml or one microplate)
货号:BV1003-T150 描述:Optional head for 12 x 15ml tubes (BV1003 only)
货号:BV1003-T500 描述:Optional head for 5 x 50ml tubes (BV1003 only)
货号:BV1000-H15 描述:Optional head for 12x 1.5/2.0ml, horizontal
货号:BV1000-H150 描述:Optional head for 12x 1.5/2.0ml, horizontal
货号:BV1000-H500 描述:Optional head for 2 x 50ml tubes, horizontal
货号:BV1005* 描述:MortexerVortex Mixer (with Multi-Head)
货号:BV1000-FLAT 描述:Optional 3 inch fat head attachment
货号:BV1000-COMMBO 描述:Optional combination head for tubes andmicroplates (38x1.5/2.0ml& 28 x 0.5ml orone microplate)
货号:BV1000-H15 描述:Optional head for 12x 1.5/2.0ml, horizontal
货号:BV1000-H150 描述:Optional head for 4 x 15ml tubes, horizontal
货号:BV1000-H500 描述:Optional head for 2 x 50ml tubes, horizontal
货号:BV1010* 描述:BenchMixer XL Multi-Tube Vortexer,includes 50 x 12mm tube rack
货号:BV1010-TST* 描述:BenchMixer XLQ QuEChERS Shaker/Vortexer with racksfor 7x 50ml tubes held horizontally, 50 x 15ml and 50 x1.5/2.0ml tubes (vertical)
货号:BV1010-05 描述:Tube Rack (Pp*),96 x 0.5ml (②8mm)
货号:BV1010-1520 描述:Tube Rack (PU*), 50 x1.5/2.0ml (010mm)
货号:BV1010-12 描述:Tube Rack (PU), 50 x12mm (indluded)
货号:BV1010-13 描述:Tube Rack (PU), 50 x 13mm
货号:BV1010-150 描述:Tube Rack (PU*),50 x 15ml (216.5mm)
货号:BV1010-500 描述:Tube Rack (PU*), 15 x 50ml (②29mm)
货号:BV1010-25 描述:Tube Rack (PU*), 15 x 25mm
货号:BV1010-50HQ 描述:Tube Rack (PU*),7x 50ml Horizontal (QuEChERS)
货号:BV1010-MP 描述:Rack (Pp*) for up to 3 plates or 96 well microtube racks
货号:BV1010-MP02 描述:Carrier for above, 96 x 0.2ml tubes or strips (3pk.)
货号:M2100- 描述:TubeRocker with grooved mat
货号:BR1000* 描述:BenchBlotter Platfomm Rocker with flat mat
货号:BR1000-STACK 描述:Optional stacking platform with fat mat
货号:BR1000-DIMPLED 描述:Optional dimpled mat
货号:B0718 描述:Bungee cord, used for securing vessels, pack of 4
货号:BR2000* 描述:BenchRocker" 2D Rocker with flat mat
货号:BR2000-STACK 描述:Optional stacking platform (3") with flat mat
货号:BR1000-DIMPLED 描述:Optional dimpled mat
货号:B0718 描述:Bungee cord, used for securing vessels, pack of 4
货号:BR2000-SP 描述:STACK-PLUS Extender set, adds 1.25"clearanceto stacking platform
货号:BR5000- 描述:Everlast" 247 Rocker with flat mat
货号:BR5000-STACK 描述:Optional stacking platform with flat mat with 3.5"clearance
货号:B0718 描述:Bungee cord, used for securing vessels, pack of 4
货号:BR5404* 描述: QuadRocker" with four non-slip rubber mat platforms (16x 12 in.)
货号:B3D1008* 描述:Mini BlotBoy with flat mat (10.5 x 7.5”)*
货号:B3D1308* 描述:BlotBoy with fat mat (12 x 12”)*
货号:B3D-DIMPLED 描述:Dimpled mat(10.5 x7.5”) for B3D1008
货号:BR1000-DIMPLED 描述:Dimpled mat (12 x 12") for B3D1308
货号:B0718 描述:Bungee cord, used for securing vessels, pack of 4
货号:B3D1020- 描述:Mini BioMixer with dimpled mat (10.5x7.5”)
货号:B3D1320- 描述:BioMixer with dimpled mat (12x12")
货号:B3D-FLAT 描述:Flat mat (10.5 x7.5") for B3D1020
货号:BR1000-FLAT 描述:Flat mat (12 x 12") for B3D1320
货号:B0718 描述:Bungee cord, used for securing vessels, pack of 4
货号:B3D2300* 描述:BenchRocker 3D with flat anddimpled mats (12x12"7)
货号:BR1000-STACK 描述:Stacking platform (3"clearance) with flat mat (12x12")
货号:BR1000-STACK-D 描述:Stacking platform (3"clearance) with dimpled mat(12x127)
货号:B0718 描述:Bungee cord, used for securing vessels, pack of 4
货号:BR2000-SP 描述:STACK-PLUS Extender set, adds 1.25"clearance to stacking platform
货号:B3D5000* 描述:BenchWaverwith platform and fat mat
货号:B3D5000-STK 描述:Optional stacking platform (4.5"clearance) with flat mat(13.5x13"
货号:B3D5000-DIMP 描述:Optional dimpled mat (13.5x13")
货号:BT302* 描述:Orbi-ShakerJR. with flat mat platform (9.5 x 8 in.)
货号:H1000-MR** 描述:MAGic Clamp" universal platform for flasks and tubes
货号:BT300-RB 描述:Adjustable spring bar platform for unique vessel types
货号:BT3001* 描述:Orbi-Shaker with flat mat platform (13 x 12 in.)
货号:BT3000-MR** 描述:MAGic Clamp"" universal platform for fasks and tubes
货号:H1000-P-SP 描述:Universal spring platform for unique vessel types
货号:H1000-P-MP 描述:Dedicated platform for 4 x microplates
货号:BT1011* 描述:Orbi-Shaker XL with fat mat platform (18 x 18 in.)
货号:H1010-MR** 描述:MAGic Clamp" platform for flasks & tubes (18 x 18 in.)
货号:H1010-P-SP 描述:Universal spring platform for unique vessel types
货号:H1010-P-MP 描述:Dedicated platform for 6 x microplates
货号:BT1502- 描述:Orbi-Shaker" MP microplate shaker,includes platform for 4 microplates
货号:BT1500-A1520 描述:Optional adapter, 20 x1.5/2.0ml for microplate shakers
货号:BT1500-A05 描述:Optional adapter, 20 x 0.5ml for microplate shakers
货号:BT4001* 描述:OrbiShaker CO2 w/ fat mat platform (13 x 12 in.)
货号:BT4011* 描述:Orbishaker CO2 XLw/ flat mat platform (16x 16.5 in.)
货号:BT3000-MR 描述:MAGic Clamp" platform (14x12 in.) for BT4001
货号:BT4010-MR 描述:MAGic Clamp"" platform (16x16.5 in.) for BT4011
货号:H1010-MR 描述:MAGic Clamp" platform (18x18 in.) for BT4011
货号:H1000-P-SP 描述:Universal spring platform for unique vessel types
货号:H1000-P-MP 描述:Dedicated platform for 4 x microplates
货号:BT4500* 描述:Orbi-Shaker" CO2-Mp Microplate Shaker withplatform for 6 microplates
货号:BT30* 描述:Orbi-Blotter" Low Speed Orbital Shaker
货号:BR2000-STACK 描述:Stacking platform with 14x 12"fat mat (3" clearance)
货号:BR2000-SP 描述:STACK-PLUS Extender set, adds 1.25"clearanceto stacking platform
货号:H1000-MR-CMB 描述:NEMAdjustable flask clamp, accepts125,250& 500ml Erlenmeyer flasks
货号:H1000-MR-50 描述:Flask clamp, 50ml Erenmeyer flask
货号:H1000-MR-125 描述:Flask clamp, 125ml Erlenmeyer flask
货号:H1000-MR-250 描述:Flask clamp, 250ml Erlenmeyer flask
货号:H1000-MR-500 描述:Flask clamp, 500ml Erlenmeyer flask
货号:H1000-MR-1000 描述:Flask clamp, 1LErlenmeyer flask
货号:H1000-MR-2000 描述:Flask clamp, 2L Erenmeyer flask
货号:H1000-MR-3000 描述:Flask clamp, 3L (or 2.8L) Fembach fask
货号:H1000-MR-T15 描述:Tube Rack,15ml conical tubes, 32 x 15ml
货号:H1000-MR-T50 描述:Tube Rack, 50ml conical tubes, 15 x 50mlCombi
货号:H1000-MR-1550 描述:Tube Rack,30x15ml& 20 x50ml tubes
货号:H1000-MR-T600 描述:TubeyBottle Rack,4x 500y600ml conical bottles
货号:H1000-MR-T15H 描述:Tube rack, 12 x1 5/2.0ml tubes, horizontal
货号:H1000-MR-T150H 描述:Tube rack,4 x 15ml tubes, horizontal
货号:H1000-MR-T500H 描述:Tube rack, 2 x50ml tubes, horizontal
货号:H1000-MR-MP 描述:Plate rack, holds one microplate
货号:H1000-MR-TSR 描述:Angled tube rack holder (with adjustable tilt)
货号:R3005* 描述:TubeRoller with 5 rollers
货号:R3010* 描述:TubeRoller with 10 rollers
货号:R2020* 描述:Roto-Mlini Rotator with tube holders
货号:R2024* 描述:Roto-Mini Plus,Variable Speed Rotatorwith tube holders
货号:R2020-1520 描述:Tube holder, 11 x 1.5/2.0ml, 2/pk(1 pack included)
货号:R2020-0507 描述:Tube holder, 5 x 5-7ml, 2/pk (1 pack included)
货号:R2020-150 描述:Tube holder, 5 x 10-15ml, 2/pk (1 packincluded)
货号:R2020-500 描述:Tube holder, 6 x 50ml, 1 each (included)
货号:R2020-PCR 描述:Tube holder, 96 x 0.2ml, 12 x PCR strips or one PCR plate**
货号:R2020-RP 描述:Mini rocking platform with rubber mat, 4.5 x 3 in. **
货号:H2020* 描述:Roto-Them Incubated Rotatorwith tube holders
货号:H2024* 描述:Roto-Them Plus incubated Rotator (variable speed)with tube holders
货号:R2020-1520 描述:Tube holder, 11 x1.5/2.0ml, 2/pk (1 pack included)
货号:R2020-0507 描述:Tube holder, 5 x 5-7ml, 2/pk (1 pack included)
货号:R2020-150 描述:Tube holder, 4 x 10-15ml, 2/pk (1 pack included)
货号:R2020-500 描述:Tube holder, 6 x 50ml, 1 each (included)
货号:R2020-PCR 描述:Tube holder, 96 x 0.2ml, 12 x PCR strips or one PCR plate**
货号:R2020-RP 描述:Mini rocking platform with rubber mat, 4.5 x 3 in.*
货号:R4040* 描述:Roto-Bot Mini with tube holder starter setIncludes 6x1.5ml holders (2ea.),1x15ml holder(2ea.)&1x50ml holder (2ea.)
货号:R4045* 描述:Roto-Bot with with tube holder starter setIndludes 6x1.5ml holders (5ea.),1x15ml holder (8ea.)& 1x50ml holder (2ea.)
货号:R4040-RP 描述:Rocking Platform (w/ flat mat) for R4040, 6 x5.5 in
货号:R4045-RP2 描述:Rocking Platfom (w/flat mat) for R4045, 6 x10 in.
货号:R5010* 描述:Benchmark Rotating Mixer, includes threerotisserie tube holders for 1.5/2.0,15 and 50ml tubes
货号:IPS2050-20* 描述:Benchmark 0S-20LOverhead Stirrer, 20L
货号:PS2050-40* 描述:Benchmark 0S-40LOverhead Stirrer, 40L
货号:IPS2050-P-S1 描述:One line propeller, stainless steel
货号:IPS2050-P-S2 描述:Centrifugal impeller, stainless steel
货号:IPS2050-P-S3 描述:Paddle with fat holes, stainless stee!
货号:IPS2050-P-S4 描述:4 arm propeller, stainless steel
货号:IPS2050-P-T1 描述:One line propeller, teflon
货号:IPS2050-P-T2 描述:Centrifugal impeller, teflon
货号:IPS2050-P-T3 描述:Paddle with fat holes, tefon
货号:IPS2050-P-T4 描述:4 arm propeller, teflon
货号:D1000 描述:D1000 Hand-Held Homogenizerincludes one 5mm (fat-bottom) generator probe andone7mm (saw tooth) generator probe
货号:D1000-M10 描述:10mmx115mm saw tooth, for 15 and 50ml tubes
货号:D1000-M14 描述:14mmx 130mm saw tooth, for 50ml-250ml vessels
货号:D1000-M5 描述:5 x 50mm for microtubes, 5pk.
货号:D1000-M7 描述:7 x50mm for microtubes, 5pk.
货号:D1000-ST 描述:Stand for D1000 Homogenizer
货号:D1030* 描述:BeadBug" 3, Three Position Microtube Homogenizer
货号:D1036* 描述:BeadBug"6, Six Position Microtube Homogenizer
货号:D1036-A5 描述:Optional tube holder 2 x5ml screw cap tubes (for D1036 only)
货号:D1031-01 描述:Standard glass beads, 0 0.1mm, 50pk.
货号:D1031-05 描述:Standard glass beads, 0 0.5mm, 50pk.
货号:D1031-10 描述:Standard glass beads, 0 1.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-01 描述:Triple-Pure", high impact zirconium beads, @ 0.1mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-05 描述:Triple-Pure," high impact zirconium beads, 0 0.5mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-10 描述:Triple-Pure", high impact zirconium beads, @ 1.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-15 描述:Triple-Pure", high impact zirconium beads, 0 1.5mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-30 描述:Triple-Pure", high impact zirconium beads, 0 3.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-60 描述:One ceria zirconium oxide satellite,② 6.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-SK 描述:Starter Kit, 10 ea.of 0 0.1,05, 1.0,1.5&3.0Triple-Pure"zirconium
货号:D1033-28 描述:Stainless steel beads,0 2.8mm, 50pk.
货号:D1033-30G 描述:Garnet shards with 1 zirconium bead ② 6.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1034-MX 描述:Mixed format, 0.1 mm silica, 1.4mm zirconium, 4mm silica, 50pk.
货号:D1031-T20 描述:Empty tubes (2.0ml) pack of 1000
货号:D1031-RFS 描述:Reinforced empty tubes (2.0ml) pack of600 (not for D1030)
货号:D2400* 描述:BeadBlaster"24 Microtube Homogenizerwith 24x 2.0ml tube holderBead
货号:D2400-R* 描述:Blaster"24Refrigerated Microtube Homogenizerwith 24x2.0ml tube holder
货号:D2400-R5V2 描述:Optional tube holder, 12 x 5ml
货号:D1031-01 描述:Standard glass beads, @ 0.1mm, 50pk.
货号:D1031-05 描述:Standard glass beads, 0 0.5mm, 50pk.
货号:D1031-10 描述:Standard glass beads, 0 1.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-01 描述:Triple-Pure", high impact zirconium beads, Ø 0.1 mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-05 描述:Triple-Pure", high impact zirconium beads, 0 0.5mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-10 描述:Triple-Pure", high impact zirconium beads, Ø 1.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-15 描述:Triple-Pure", high impact zirconium beads, 0 1.5mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-30 描述:Triple-Pure", high impact zirconium beads, ② 3.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1032-SK 描述:Starter Kit,10 ea.of 0 0.1,0.5,1.0,1.5 &3.0Triple-Pure., highimpact zirconium
货号:D1032-60 描述:One ceria zirconium oxide satellite,②6.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1033-28 描述:Stainless steel beads, 0 2.8mm, 50pk.
货号:D1033-30G 描述:Gamnet shards with 1 zirconium bead ② 6.0mm, 50pk.
货号:D1034-MX 描述:Mixed format, 0.1 mm silica, 1.4mm zirconium, 4mm silica, 50pk.
货号:D1031-T20 描述:Empty tubes (2.0ml) pack of 1000
货号:D1031-RFS 描述:Reinforced empty tubes (2.0ml) pack of600
货号:D1034-28 描述:5ml tubes with stainless beads, ② 2.8mm, 50pk.
货号:IPD9600* 描述:tubes and jars BeadBlaster" 96 Ball Mill Homogenizer for plates,
货号:DP0150* 描述:Pulse 150 Ultrasonic Homogenizer, complete with controller,transducer, 6mm horn and soundproofenclosure
货号:DP0650* 描述:650 Ultrasonic Homogenizer with controller, transducer,6mm horn and soundproofenclosure
货号:B1201* 描述:MicroBead Sterilizer with beads (150g)
货号:B1202 描述:MicroBead SterilizerTALL with Beads (300g)
货号:B1201-BEAD 描述:Extra glass beads, 1000g
货号:B1450* 描述:UV Clave" Ultraviolet chamber
货号:B1450-C 描述:UV-C indicator card (double sided), 25/pk.
货号:B1450-SS 描述:UV-C indicator stickers (0.5 x 0.5 in.), 40/pk
货号:B1450-SH 描述:Optional wire shelf
货号:B1450-SH-UV 描述:Optional UVC transparent shelf
货号:B1000* 描述:BactiZapper'Classic Microsterilizer
货号:B1001* 描述:BactiZapper…TlLT MicroSterilizerwith adjustable tilt angle
货号:B1001-XL* 描述:BactiZapper…TlLT XL MicroSterilizer,35mm chamber & adjust tilt angle
货号:B1000-01 描述:Loop holder attachment (B1001 only)
货号:B1000-03 描述:Slide dryer attachment, 3 slides (B1001 only)
货号:B1000-RA* 描述:Replacement heating element
货号:B1001-RA* 描述:Replacement heating element
货号:B1001-XL-RA* 描述:Replacement heating element
BioClave™ 28 Research Autoclave研究用高压釜
货号:B4000-M* 描述:BioClave Mini Autoclave (8L)
货号:B4000-18* 描述:BioClave Autoclave (18L)
货号:B4000-P* 描述:Printer for BioClave series
货号:B4000-PA 描述:Extra roll of paper for B4000-P
货号:B4000-28-120 描述: Bioclave Autodave(28L),120V
货号:B4000-28-220 描述: BioClave Autoclave (28L),220V
货号:B4000-P 描述:Printer for BioClave series
货号:B4000-PA 描述: Extra roll of paper for B4000-P, 3/pk
货号:H3770-H* 描述:Benchmark Digital Hotplate, 7 x 7”
货号:H3770-S 描述:Benchmark Digital Hotplate Stirrer, 7 x 7”
货号:H3770-HS* 描述:Optional support rod
货号:H3770-ROD 描述:Optional support rod
货号:H3770-TP 描述:Optional temperature probe
货号:H3770-CS 描述:Clamp assembly with support rod andclamps for securing thermometers/probes
货号:S1005* 描述: MiniMag" Mini Magnetic Stirrer
货号:H3710-H* 描述:Benchmark Digital Hotplate, 10 x 10”
货号:H3710-S* 描述:Benchmark Digital Magnetic Stirrer, 10 x 10”
货号:H3710-HS* 描述:Benchmark Digital Hotplate Stirrer, 10 x 10”
货号:H3770-ROD 描述:Optional support rod
货号:H3770-TP 描述:Optional temperature probe
货号:H3770-CS 描述:Clamp assembly with support rod andclamps for securing therometers/probes
货号:IPS7000-3* 描述:Benchmark MHs-5 Multi-Position HotplateStirer, 3 position
货号:IPS7000-5* 描述:Benchmark MHS-5 Multi-Position HotplateStirrer, 5 position
货号:IPS7000-10 描述:Benchmark MHS-5 Multi-Position HotplateStirrer, 10 position
货号:H4000-BAR 描述: Stir bar, 1 inch, 1 each
货号:H4000-BAR-10 描述: Stir bar, 1 inch, pack of10
货号:IPS7101-50* 描述:BenchmarkHcs-50, High Capaclty Magnetc Stirrer, 50L
货号:IPS7101-150* 描述:Magnetic Stirrer, 150* BenchmarkHCs-50, Hlgh Capacity Magnetc Stirrer, 150L
货号:IPS7101-BAR100 描述: Stir bar, 1 each,100mm
货号:IPS7101-BAR150 描述: Stir bar, 1 each,150mm
货号:H2200-H 描述:myTemp Mini Digital incubator, includes2 shelves, (heatonly, ambient +5oto 60°C)
货号:H2200-HC* 描述:myTemp Mini Digital incubator, includes2 shelves, (heat& cool, ambient -15 to 60°C)
货号:H3D-1020 描述:Mini nutating rocker, 6 x 8"platform, 1 15V
货号:H3D-1020-E 描述:Mini nutating rocker, 6 x 8"platform,230V
货号:H2200-SH 描述:Extra shelf, 105 x8" plastic (not autoclavable)
货号:H2505-40* 描述:SureCheck data logging software, 40L
货号:H2505-70* 描述:Extra shelf, stainless steel for H2505-70
货号:H2505-130* 描述:Extra shelf, stainless steel for H2505-130
货号:H2505-40SH 描述:Extra shelf, stainless steel for H2505-40
货号:H2505-70SH 描述:SureCheck data logging software, 70L
货号:H2505-130SH 描述:SureCheck data logging software, 130L
货号:H2265-HC* 描述:myTemp 65 Heating and CoolingIncubator, includes two stainless steel shelves
货号:H2265-SH 描述:Extra shelf, stainless steel
货号:H2300-HC2* 描述:myTemp CO2 Mini Digital incubator, indudes2 stainless shelves
货号:H2300-REG 描述:Optional CO2 gas regulator (regulates pressure from the gascylinder to the incubator)
货号:H2300-SH 描述:Extra shelf, 105 x 8 in. stainless steel (autodavable)
货号:H3565-45* 描述:SureTherm cO2 Incubator, 45L, with 2 shelves
货号:H3565-180* 描述:SureTherm CO2Incubator, 180L, with 3 shelves
货号:H3565-180HD* 描述:SureTherm cO2 Incubator, 180L, with High HeatDecontamination,3 shelves
货号:H3565-180HD02 描述:Suretherm CO2 Incubator, 180L, with 3 shelvesIncludes: High heat decontamination, 02 control and split innerdoor with 6 compartments
货号:H3565-45-LCI 描述:IncuView LCl integratedShelf(14x1 1 .5 in.) with integrated wifmicroscope (for 45 Liter incubator)
45 Liter incubator)
货号:H3565-180-LC1 描述:IncuView LCl integrated Shelf(20x17 in) with integrated wifmicroscope (for 180 Liter incubator)
货号:H3550-45-SH 描述:Additional shelffor 45L incubator, 1 each
货号:H3550-180-SH 描述:Additional shelffor 180L incubator, 1 each
货号:H3550-45-SK 描述:Stacking kit for 45L incubator
货号:H3550-180-SK 描述:Stacking kit for 1 80l incubator (height af top dispilay approimaely 135cml
货号:H2300-REG 描述:C02 regulator (optional), for CO2 control
货号:H3565-02REG 描述:Nitrogen regulator (optional), for O2 control
Benchmark BeadBlaster 24微量管匀浆器
货号:D2400 BeadBlaster 24微型管匀浆器带24*2.0ml管架
货号:D2400-R5 可选管架6*5ml
货号:D1031-01 标准玻璃微珠,D 0.1mm,50个/包
货号:D1031-05 标准玻璃微珠,D 0.5mm,50个/包
货号:D1031-10 标准玻璃微珠,D 1.0mm,50个/包
货号:D1032-01 Triple-Pure,金属锆微珠,D 0.1mm,50个/包
货号:D1032-05 Triple-Pure,金属锆微珠,D 0.5mm,50个/包
货号:D1032-10 Triple-Pure,金属锆微珠,D 1.0mm,50个/包
货号:D1032-15 Triple-Pure,金属锆微珠,D 1.5mm,50个/包
货号:D1032-30 Triple-Pure,金属锆微珠,D 3.0mm,50个/包
货号:D1032-SK 金属锆微珠混合包,D0.1, D 0.5, D 1.0, D 1.5, D 3.0mm各10个
货号:D1033-28 不锈钢微珠,D2.8mm,50个/包
货号:D1031-T20 空管(2.0ml),1000个/包
货号:D1034-28 不锈钢微珠,5ml管(旋盖),D2.9mm,50个/包